Why did Christian Puritans ban Christmas and jail those who celebrated Christmas? Why did Puritans want Christmas to be legislated as a working day? When was Jesus of Nazareth born – was it March 25, April 17, May 29, September 15, or December 25? If Jesus of Nazareth was not born on December 25, then which divinity does Christmas celebrate? Also, is it true that Jesus of Nazareth and Mary were twins, and their mother was raped by a Roman soldier and to hide the shame, the Virgin Mary was declared as the mother of Jesus? Equally, why did the Divine Plato argue that a Great lie must be used to convince the masses to worship the devil?
An elected Kikuyu politician is sprayed with bullets, Christian villages are attacked, and Muslim Terrorists attempt to burn Christians who had taken refuge in a school. All this happened after President William Ruto, the Deputy President, and the Interior Cabinet Secretary assured the residents of their security.
Kikuyu Christians have been branded by Sunni Islamists, Al-Qaeda, and the Islamic State as Zionists perpetrating Nakba in Lamu. What happens when Islamism is cloaked as land militancy and voiced through decolonization narratives?
In Lamu, a toxic triad of failed American and British counter-terrorism strategies implemented by Kenyan security forces, Islamist-tinged ethno-nationalism, and the need to placate Somalis has led to the mass killing of Kikuyu and other non-Muslims, and the Government of Kenya (GoK) appears unable to protect Kenyan citizens from Islamist terrorists. Why and how could a government stand by and watch its citizens being killed and displaced by Islamist terrorists? Why are GoK, the American, and the British governments opposed to training, arming, and organizing civilians in Lamu into anti-terrorist militia?
In 2014, Ukraine was plunged into civil unrest. In 2022, Ukraine was baited into war with Russia, and was then prevented from making peace with Moscow. Now, Ukraine has lost the war that would have been avoided in the first place or ameliorated after it occurred. Why was this unnecessary war fought and who benefits from this morbid war? Also, in this proxy war, what happens to the leader of the losing faction?
Ethiopia must secure permanent access to the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean in order to realize its geopolitical and economic potential, besides maintaining its historical destiny as the heart of Africa. Ethiopia has existed for over two millennia and its destiny has never been to become the most populous landlocked country in the world. So, why should Ethiopia be held hostage by mutable political geography?
Israel has not yet come to terms with the magnitude of defeat it has been suffering since October 7, 2023. Americans have not yet fully comprehended the Black Swan Event that occurred on October 7, 2023, in Gaza and Israel. How could missiles powered with oxidized sugar change the course of history? Who planned the multi-phased attack by Hamas? How is this attack related to the assassination of Qasem Soleimani and the Syrian Civil War? What were the main goals that this attack aimed to achieve? Have these goals been achieved? This analysis explains how these goals have been achieved in a momentous way.
In nature, the truth does not set you free. In nature, truth gets you killed. The late Lord Jonathan Henry Sacks All revealed religions are founded on a set of post-truths and errors that are collectively construed as a divine…
Should christians support Israel? Is it right for non-Christian Jews to drag American Christians into a war against Shiite Iranians and Christian Russians so as to protect Zionism that privileges Judaism, not Christianity?
Can Christians reconcile their support for Zionism with the bigotry of Orthodox Judaism? According to the Talmud, Jesus of Nazareth is boiling in human excrement in hell. Does Judaism imply the same fate awaits all Christians who follow Jesus of Nazareth?
Why did Rabbi Nathan Ashkenazi train Shabbatei Zvi to become the Jewish messiah, while he planned to capture the papacy and become the leader of Christians?
Do you know that Pope John Paul II was a descendant of the Wojtyła family who were followers of Shabbatei Zvi?